
Design Tokens

Design tokens are the platform-agnostic way to manage design decisions in your application or website. It is a collection of attributes that describe any fundamental/atomic visual style. Each attribute is a key-value pair.


Design tokens in Panda are largely influenced by the W3C Token Format (opens in a new tab).

A design token consists of the following properties:

  • value: The value of the token. This can be any valid CSS value.
  • description: An optional description of what the token can be used for.

Core Tokens

Tokens are defined in the panda.config file under the theme key

export default defineConfig({
  theme: {
    // 👇🏻 Define your tokens here
    tokens: {
      colors: {
        primary: { value: '#0FEE0F' },
        secondary: { value: '#EE0F0F' }
      fonts: {
        body: { value: 'system-ui, sans-serif' }

After defining tokens, you can use them in authoring components and styles.

import { css } from '../styled-system/css'
function App() {
  return (
        color: 'primary',
        fontFamily: 'body'
      Hello World

You can also add an optional description to your tokens. This will be used in the autogenerate token documentation.

export default defineConfig({
  theme: {
    tokens: {
      colors: {
        danger: {
          value: '#EE0F0F',
          description: 'Color for errors'

Semantic Tokens

Semantic tokens are tokens that are designed to be used in a specific context. In most cases, the value of a semantic token references to an existing token.


To reference a value in a semantic token, use the {} syntax.

For example, assuming we've defined the following tokens:

  • red and green are raw tokens that define the color red and green.
  • danger and success are semantic tokens that reference the red and green tokens.
export default defineConfig({
  theme: {
    tokens: {
      colors: {
        red: { value: '#EE0F0F' },
        green: { value: '#0FEE0F' }
    semanticTokens: {
      colors: {
        danger: { value: '{}' },
        success: { value: '{}' }

Semantic tokens can also be changed based on the conditions like light and dark modes.

For example, if you want a color to change automatically based on light or dark mode.

export default defineConfig({
  // ...
  theme: {
    semanticTokens: {
      colors: {
        danger: {
          value: { base: '{}', _dark: '{colors.darkred}' }
        success: {
          value: { base: '{}', _dark: '{colors.darkgreen}' }

NOTE 🚨: The conditions used in semantic tokens must be an at-rule or parent selector condition.

Token Nesting

Tokens can be nested to create a hierarchy of tokens. This is useful when you want to group tokens together.


Tip: You can use the DEFAULT key to define the default value of a nested token.

export default defineConfig({
  // ...
  theme: {
    semanticTokens: {
      colors: {
        bg: {
          DEFAULT: { value: '{colors.gray.100}' },
          muted: { value: '{colors.gray.100}' }

This allows the use of the bg token in the following ways:

import { css } from '../styled-system/css'
function App() {
  return (
        // 👇🏻 This will use the `DEFAULT` value
        bg: 'bg',
        // 👇🏻 This will use the `muted` value
        color: 'bg.muted'
      Hello World

Token Types

Panda supports the following token types:


Colors have meaning and support the purpose of the content, communicating things like hierarchy of information, and states. It is mostly defined as a string value or reference to other tokens.

const theme = {
  tokens: {
    colors: {
      red: { 100: { value: '#fff1f0' } }


Gradient tokens represent a smooth transition between two or more colors. Its value can be defined as a string or a composite value.

type Gradient =
  | string
  | {
      type: 'linear' | 'radial'
      placement: string
      colors: Array<string | { color: string; position: number }>
const theme = {
  tokens: {
    gradients: {
      // string value
      simple: { value: 'linear-gradient(to right, red, blue)' },
      // composite value
      primary: {
        value: {
          type: 'linear',
          placement: 'to right',
          colors: ['red', 'blue']


Size tokens represent the width and height of an element. Its value is defined as a string.

const theme = {
  tokens: {
    sizes: {
      sm: { value: '12px' }

Size tokens are typically used in width, height, min-width, max-width, min-height, max-height properties.


Spacing tokens represent the margin and padding of an element. Its value is defined as a string.

const theme = {
  tokens: {
    spacings: {
      sm: { value: '12px' }

Spacing tokens are typically used in margin, padding, gap, and {top|right|bottom|left} properties.


Font tokens represent the font family of a text element. Its value is defined as a string or an array of strings.

const theme = {
  tokens: {
    fonts: {
      body: { value: 'Inter, sans-serif' },
      heading: { value: ['Roboto Mono', 'sans-serif'] }

Font tokens are typically used in font-family property.

Font Sizes

Font size tokens represent the size of a text element. Its value is defined as a string.

const theme = {
  tokens: {
    fontSizes: {
      sm: { value: '12px' }

Font size tokens are typically used in font-size property.

Font Weights

Font weight tokens represent the weight of a text element. Its value is defined as a string.

const theme = {
  tokens: {
    fontWeights: {
      bold: { value: '700' }

Font weight tokens are typically used in font-weight property.

Letter Spacings

Letter spacing tokens represent the spacing between letters in a text element. Its value is defined as a string.

const theme = {
  tokens: {
    letterSpacings: {
      wide: { value: '0.1em' }

Letter spacing tokens are typically used in letter-spacing property.

Line Heights

Line height tokens represent the height of a line of text. Its value is defined as a string.

const theme = {
  tokens: {
    lineHeights: {
      normal: { value: '1.5' }

Line height tokens are typically used in line-height property.


Radii tokens represent the radius of a border. Its value is defined as a string.

const theme = {
  tokens: {
    radii: {
      sm: { value: '4px' }

Radii tokens are typically used in border-radius property.


A border is a line surrounding a UI element. You can define them as string values or as a composite value

const theme = {
  tokens: {
    borders: {
      // string value
      subtle: { value: '1px solid red' },
      // string value with reference to color token
      danger: { value: '1px solid {}' },
      // composite value
      accent: { value: { width: '1px', color: 'red', style: 'solid' } }

Border tokens are typically used in border, border-top, border-right, border-bottom, border-left, outline properties.


Shadow tokens represent the shadow of an element. Its value is defined as single or multiple values containing a string or a composite value.

type CompositeShadow = {
  offsetX: number
  offsetY: number
  blur: number
  spread: number
  color: string
  inset?: boolean
type Shadow = string | CompositeShadow | string[] | CompositeShadow[]
const theme = {
  tokens: {
    shadows: {
      // string value
      subtle: { value: '0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)' },
      // composite value
      accent: {
        value: {
          offsetX: 0,
          offsetY: 4,
          blurRadius: 4,
          spreadRadius: 0,
          color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)'
      // multiple string values
      realistic: {
        value: [
          '0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)',
          '0 1px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)'

Shadow tokens are typically used in box-shadow property.


Easing tokens represent the easing function of an animation or transition. Its value is defined as a string or an array of values representing the cubic bezier.

const theme = {
  tokens: {
    easings: {
      // string value
      easeIn: { value: 'cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1)' },
      // array value
      easeOut: { value: [0.4, 0, 0.2, 1] }

Ease tokens are typically used in transition-timing-function property.


Opacity tokens help you set the opacity of an element.

const theme = {
  tokens: {
    opacity: {
      50: { value: 0.5 }

Opacity tokens are typically used in opacity property.


This token type represents the depth of an element's position on the z-axis.

const theme = {
  tokens: {
    zIndices: {
      modal: { value: 1000 }

Z-index tokens are typically used in z-index property.


Asset tokens represent a url or svg string. Its value is defined as a string or a composite value.

type CompositeAsset = { type: 'url' | 'svg'; value: string }
type Asset = string | CompositeAsset
const theme = {
  tokens: {
    assets: {
      logo: {
        value: { type: 'url', url: '/static/logo.png' }
      checkmark: {
        value: { type: 'svg', svg: '<svg>...</svg>' }

Asset tokens are typically used in background-image property.


Duration tokens represent the length of time in milliseconds an animation or animation cycle takes to complete. Its value is defined as a string.

const theme = {
  tokens: {
    durations: {
      fast: { value: '100ms' }

Duration tokens are typically used in transition-duration and animation-duration properties.


Animation tokens represent a keyframe animation. Its value is defined as a string value.

const theme = {
  tokens: {
    animations: {
      spin: {
        value: 'spin 1s linear infinite'

Animation tokens are typically used in animation property.

Token Helpers

To help defining tokens in a type-safe way, you can use the following helpers:


import { defineTokens } from '@pandacss/dev'
const theme = {
  tokens: defineTokens({
    colors: {
      primary: { value: '#ff0000' }

You can also use this function to define tokens in a separate file:

import { defineTokens } from '@pandacss/dev'
export const colors = defineTokens.colors({
  primary: { value: '#ff0000' }


import { defineSemanticTokens } from '@pandacss/dev'
const theme = {
  semanticTokens: defineSemanticTokens({
    colors: {
      primary: {
        value: { _light: '{}', _dark: '{}' }

You can also use this function to define tokens in a separate file:

import { defineSemanticTokens } from '@pandacss/dev'
export const colors = defineSemanticTokens.colors({
  primary: {
    value: { _light: '{}', _dark: '{}' }